Samuel Rappaport·
Embrace the Lush Greenery of May: Exploring the Enchanting Emerald, the Birthstone of the Month
Have a birthday in May? Learn about your birthstone: The Emerald

Samuel Rappaport·
April's Birthstone, The Diamond
Dive into the brilliance of April's birthstone: the timeless diamond.

Samuel Rappaport·
March Birthstone Spotlight: Aquamarine
Dive into March with aquamarine's serene allure and timeless elegance.

Samuel Rappaport·
February Birthstone Spotlight: The Enchanting Amethyst
In this post, we're shining the spotlight on February's captivating birthstone: the enchanting amethyst. Known for its stunning purple hues and rich history, the amethyst has captivated jewelry lovers for centuries.